September 2024 Monthly Meeting
PCC Events provide a valuable opportunity for business mailers to gain a better understanding of Postal Service policies, programs, and procedures that have been specifically designed to improve their mailing and shipping needs.
During this GPPCC September 2024 Monthly Forum, the enrichment topics featured are:
Postal Enrichment: Jason Uskoski, USPS - "Connect Local"
Industry Enrichment: Wes Friesen, George Fox University - "The Power of Likeability!"
Portland Processing & Distribution Center
7007 Cornfoot Rd
Portland, OR 97218
The Greater Portland PCC meets on the second Thursday of every month from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Registration is not necessary.
Join us for an hour of education, engagement, and networking. Feel free to come with just yourself (or bring a partner!) - hot coffee and other refreshments on us. See you there!
Event Information
Event Date | 09-12-2024 9:00 am |
Event End Date | 09-12-2024 10:00 am |
Capacity | Unlimited |
Individual Price | Free |
Location | Portland Processing & Distribution Center |